Sunday, November 17, 2013

NaNoWriMo '13 - Day 17

Welp, I am perpetually about a day behind. I need to catch up. I originally had plans to be ahead. I’d like to finish by the 29th. I still have that hope in mind, but it currently seems like nothing but a dream that I cannot quite remember. I grasp at what I can, but it remains at this foggy distance. 
Story-wise, things are moving along. It’s made things quite a bit easier the past couple of days. My characters are actually doing things, though currently they’re at a very weird place. Also, I know I need to go back and add in more of a love story between Dan and Paige. Currently, they just kind of are in love. No real story or development to it. But that’s for a later day. 
Here’s the last wee bit I’ve written:
There was nothing I could do but march to the rhythm of the heartbeat pounding in my head. I tried to focus on the fact that, for this time, my hands were free. Maybe that would make this an hour I would actually enjoy. I took a breath, and awaited my first suitor in the shade of the tent. 
Go be my writing buddy! And feel free to say hi! 
How is your novel going?

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