Tuesday, November 25, 2014

NaNoWriMo Chronicles: Day 25

Who is still on track and has two thumbs? This girl! It was hard to catch up, but the struggle to get on track has made the average level of writing way more manageable. It's like some sort of mind trick I've done to myself. 
I didn't use writeordie.com, and I still managed to write enough words. But I do wonder if I could have maybe written them faster had I used it. This may be something I explore tomorrow. 

Story-wise, it has somewhat slowed down. But I think I'm about to lead into our big finale. The grand event, where reunions are had and tears are shed and the reader may be left feeling numb. 
But I'm not there yet. Here's where I am now:

“We make a group just of those who could be recognized,” Jonnie explained. “We make them a group – maybe with a couple of new people. They can be our first response, or last response, or something. They could be the ones doing the most risky stuff, maybe. Just a group that is most likely to get caught, giving the rest of us a better chance.”
Feel free to check out how I've been doing on the NaNoWriMo web site!  As for me, I'll write more again tomorrow. ;)

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