I considered sharing the story of how I met him in a vlog. Maybe I will someday, but in the meantime, I decided to write down my story and tell you about it here. Though some of the details are getting fuzzy, it remainss one of my fondest memories.
In 2004, I had an opportunity to walk over to him and say hello. But, being a shy teenager at the time, I chickened out. The moment passed, and I was left with a lingering twinge of regret.
Fast forward 6 years. It's 2010, and my mom informs me that she got me an opportunity to meet him while he is promoting the film, "Legion." I'm tired and emotional that morning, but I'm incredibly excited.
I wait in line for the signing session to start, and for my turn to enter the room in which he sits. I hear the people around me trying to remember what he is from, and I am disappointed in each of them when I hear the murmur of "Firewall" from either side of me. Still, my excitement builds as I get closer to the doorway, closer to seeing him in real life for the first time in years. Closer to my chance to meet him.
I enter through the doorway. I see him sitting there, at a table at the other end of my line - and I lose it. The joy, the giddiness of the moment overwhelms me and rushes to the surface. Tears flow freely down my cheeks, and I have no control to stop it. I work hard to compose myself before reaching the table to meet him, and only succeed in stopping the tears. Their marks and shakiness are still completely evident.
As I get closer to the front of the line, I observe that gorgeous man. Each person compliments him briefly, and he looks up and gives a quick and polite "thank you," then continues on to the next. I swear I hear a few saying things like, "you were great in Firewall," but maybe it's my imagination.
The security guard at the front of the line smiles at me like I'm something precious, possibly because my eyes are still wet and so are my cheeks. When I'm motioned to meet the rest of the crew and cast at the signing, they smile, too. I honestly don't remember much of what I say to them, though I do recall confessing how excited I am to meet Paul. They seem fine with this, still smiling - almost excited for me. I may look like a red-faced fool, but at least I made everyone happy.
The moment comes. I'm in front of Paul. It's my chance to say something to him, so everything decides to come out at once.
"I loved you in a Knights Tale, and Wimbledon, and Firewall, and Inkheart, and a Beautiful Mind..." I go on to list everything I've ever seen him in (though I later realize I missed one). He looks at me so sweetly, listening the whole time and then gives me a sincere thank you.
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How I'm still conscious is beyond me |
The order of things next is a little fuzzy to me, since adrenaline is surging through me on overdrive. I know he asks for my name, I give it, and he says that it's nice to meet me. He says my name, and I determine no one else says my name as well as he does.
I believe I say something else to him at this time, but I don't even remember what anymore. All I know is the response I receive.
Now, it is important to know that we are not allowed to ask for pictures or hugs or anything of that sort. I am obedient and did not ask for either. So what happens next truly shocks me in the most wonderful of ways: He reaches out to hug me.
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I cannot believe this is a real moment. It must be fiction, or some sort of work of my imagination.
The moment passes, and I am suppose to move on to the next person in the signing line. But to leave Paul Bettany is so difficult.
The next person is Tyrese Gibson. Now, prior to this time, I had a rather neutral opinion of Tyrese. It seems that he tries (and succeeds) to change that, for when I am in between him and Paul at the table, he stops signing his posters. "They can't make you move if I'm not signing," he says to me and the people in front of him. I know I said something about how "this is good," but the exact words are unclear.
I know I have to take this opportunity to say something else to Paul, but I cannot think of what. There are so many things to say, and none seem to be surfacing enough to escape my lips. Finally, one comes out in what I'm sure what an excessive rush: I tell him the story of 2004, how I had the opportunity, missed it, and then got this. I tell him this to explain what a big deal this is for me. How it is fulfilling a goal that was left unchecked on my list of life.
I do not remember his response, but I remember the sweet look on his face. Sincere, genuine, and kind. In that moment, he probably thinks I'm fourteen or something, but I don't care. If it gets him to look at me like that, he could think I'm however old he wants.
The moment passes, and I must leave the room. I don't know how the day could get any better. (And, though it is a good day, I don't think it does).
I can still feel the rush of this moment, the joy. And though I don't cry upon thinking about it, I still know exactly why I did at the time. I've met him a second time since then. I still adore Paul Bettany, and am excited for what the future of his career holds. His larger role in Avengers will make it more difficult, but, given the opportunity, I'd love to meet him again.
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