Graduation is coming up very soon. It feels like both the light at the end of the tunnel and yet some impending dark emptiness, for my life plans end after graduation. I have some plans, yes. But nothing really solid is ahead of me anymore. No real guarantees, save for Comic-con. I am both excited to be done with school and nervous for the unknown that lies ahead. It's a strange, albeit common, situation to be in. I feel like my head is forever playing the role of both Elrond and Arwen in Return of the King -
Elrond: "Nothing is certain..."
Arwen: "Some things are certain."It's like my brain has some weird schizophrenia. (But not really. I'm mentally okay.)
I would love to make more ice cream bread, and particularly try to make it the appropriate size for my pan. Yes, online, I found a recipe using ice cream and self-rising flour that makes bread. I tried it with mint chocolate chip, and I found it quite delicious. (Friendly reminder to myself: I have ice cream in the fridge). I'd love to try different flavors and make more. But buying that much ice cream could get pricy.
I am trying to finish my novel. In November, for NaNoWriMo, I wrote 50,000 words of a novel. I even gave it a fake little ending. But that wasn't the real end. I want to actually finish it. I am so close. I believe I'm only about 3 or 4 chapters away from actually finishing it. I've outlined the chapters in more detail so that writing it will be easier. Now it's just finding time and proper motivation for writing it.
The problem is in that I know it's not a fantastic book, and there are details I'm leaving out and some parts I'm summarizing a bit too much. There are probably also some bits during which I give too much detail. So why actually finish such a mess? The answer is simple and, in some ways, obvious: To say that I did. I want to honestly say that I wrote a novel. That I set out to write a story, and I finished it. And once I'm done, I will likely actually kind of want people to read it, even in its rough version. Select few might get the chance. We'll see when that moment happens.
And it will. I'm promising myself that it will.
That's my life at the current moment. That, and my procrastination tool of the time is Pokemon Red. Classic fun!
What's been going on in your lives? If you've got a blog, please share it below so that I can follow your updates!
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